What is Guest Post? Definition, Guidelines & Benefits - Grab ur Deals
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What is Guest Post? Definition, Guidelines & Benefits

Though people know about the guest post, they got stuck to differentiate between guest posts and regular blog posts. And, when someone asked them about guest posts, they start searching it on google.

So, here we are to give you all details and describe a guest post.

Some of the general questions are: What is a guest post? How to write a guest post? Why write a guest post? What are its benefits? Did it actually work? And, many more.

So we will start with very basic and gradually we will share all the details with you.

What is Guest Post?

A guest is nothing but publishing your article on someone else’s blog. When you write something for your blog and publish it is just a “post”. Whereas if you publish it on another person blog, it is called a guest post. It is one of the tools used for occupying traffic for your brand. The person who writes an article and posts it on someone else’s blog is called ” Guest Author”.

Guidelines For a Good Guest Post

Though multiple resources will provide you a lot of information, you may get confused to follow which one. Some of them are very cranky, and you might get stabbed. Therefore we are here to give you simple, short, and quick guidelines to deliver basics of the first post:

  • Topic: A topic must be very catchy and in-demand.
  • Language: Article must be written in a very simple and lucid language.
  • Title/Headline: By reading your title, people must want to read your article. If your headline is not crunchy as you are(probably), nothing will work(for sure)…so, in order to get more clicks, make your article’s title catchy and to the point.
  • Information: Articles must contain valued information. The reader will share only valued content on social media.
  • Uniqueness: The article must contain some unique value in it. If you provide the same content as available on the Internet, Google will not link it on top. Some free and unique content adds more value to your blog.
  • Outbound Links: Outbound links enhance the relevance of the article.
  • Word Limit: There is no maximum limit. More words mean a high position on Google results. The post that contains more content about a topic, gets more value.
  • Sharing: Before else share your post, share it with on your social accounts. You can add it to your Facebook, Twitter, and all social media platforms. Ask your friends to share to get a better reach.
  • Caring: The most common netiquette is to respond to your followers. If they comment on your blog, you must reply to them.

Why Do Guest Posts?

Nothing can be done for free, something that gives you benefits cheers you always. Guest post has tremendous benefits, that are as follows:

To Build New Relationships

Initially, if you write for someone else’s blog, you start to build a new relation. And, if you provide them good content and get traffic on your post, the relationship will get stronger. Gradually, the authors will start following you. And, soon you will connect them on your personal blog and increase your blog subscribers.

To Get More Value From Search Engines

Basically, the host blogger will add backlinks to your article. By this, the search engines will easily fetch your article and make your content easy to find.

Adding You to The New Community

Publishing your article to someone else’s blog, allows you to enter another person’s space. It eventually gets leads for you, if you walk on the correct path.

It adds more readers, fans, and followers to your article. And, eventually, they will connect with your own blog.

To Rise Online Reputation

If you are a blogger, you must have a big fan following, who always awaits for your article. And, to get more followers, this is one of the cheapest and best ways. Though it sounds like getting benefits from someone else’s success, it is absolutely fine.

To Obtain Powerful Backlinks

When you post an article to other blogs, he will add their backlink to your blog. These are very powerful backlinks, as you get them by already established bloggers. It will add more traffic and you will start getting mode views for your post.