Hand Sanitizer: A Good Hygiene Practice Keeps You Clean And Safe - Grab ur Deals
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Hand Sanitizer: A Good Hygiene Practice Keeps You Clean And Safe

Good and healthy hygiene always keeps the person safe and clean. Keeping your hands clean is one of the best habits of being safe and healthy. Using hand sanitizers before touching anything outside your house is a perfect way to keep yourself hygienic. It protects you from getting infected by germs and bacteria present in polluted air and the environment. 

Visiting a high traffic area or place where there are many people, you need to be alert. An infected person can spread the infection very rapidly when he meets another person or shakes his hand with anyone. That person can infect persons working near him at his workplace or when he goes home without cleaning his hands with soap and water or sanitizer.    


How to use Hand Sanitizer:

Hand sanitizers are used when it is not possible to wash your hands with soap and water. It can be used at any time and anywhere whenever you need it. Just take a drop of it and get your hand sanitized properly before touching any surface. 

Take a small drop of sanitizer and rub it well on both of your hands until it gets fully vanished or evaporated. Rub it for at least 20 to 30 seconds so that all the germs and bacteria on your hands get destroyed in just a few seconds.

Washing Hands V/S Sanitizing Hands:


Washing your hands properly with soap and water before eating or doing any delicate work is considered to be a healthy and hygienic habit for ages. If there are small children in your house then keeping yourself clean and safe should be your first priority so that they do not get any infection from you. 

Nowadays hand sanitizers are very commonly used by each and everyone as safety always comes first. Sanitizers are more preferred as compared to soap and water as they are more effective in many ways. 

  • If you are in a hurry and do not have enough time to wash your hands then you can clean your hands with soap and water. 
  • Cleaning hands with sanitizer takes less time as compared to washing hands.
  • You need to wipe your hands with a clean cloth or towel after washing it and make them dry, but if you are using a sanitizer then you don’t need it.
  • Just rub it on your palms until it gets evaporated and then it’s done.
  • The amount of alcohol found in the sanitizer kills germs and bacteria rapidly.

Using Hand Sanitizer is Good Hygiene:

Keeping your hands clean and tidy is all the time better than avoiding it. There are high percent chances of getting infected if your hands are not clean. Your hands touch a number of things everyday and that things are touched by so many people everyday. 

The documents at your workplace, the table, chairs, keyboard at your office, and your reports that you collect from the hospital, everything is touched by so many people before you touch it. So to keep yourself free from germs and bacteria you should wash or sanitize your hands before it.  

Places Where Hand Sanitizers are Used:  

You should make it a habit of using hand sanitizer whenever you go out of your house. At high traffic places, it is a must to use. Here are some places where you should definitely use hand sanitizers.


So many patients visit hospitals every day, besides patients, people also come to collect reports or enquire for some doubt. Even the premise consists of a large number of staff. The same main door of the hospital is used so many times a day. 

The doctor has to treat many patients a day and they have the most risk of getting infected by that patient. So if he sanitizes his hand before operating on the patient then the risk of getting infected by germs and bacteria decreases. Not only doctors but each and every person working and visiting the hospital should use the sanitizer.   


There are so many employees working in offices and firms. They daily interact with each other by shaking hands or lending over any stationary or official document. They touch the same doors, desks, keyboards, and other stationery of the office, so they need to sanitize their hands repeatedly. 

Placing a hand sanitizer dispensers near the main door or reception is a great idea of keeping each and everyone safe and hygienic. A small bottle of sanitizer kept on the desk and used every time before working on your PC is also a great initiative to keep yourself free from germs and bacteria.   

Schools and Colleges:

Small kids and students have higher chances of getting infected soon. School and college going students should keep sanitizers in their bag and use it whenever necessary. They may touch many dirty things on the school premises and using the washroom of school that is used by so many students and school staff is also a place where your child can get infected. 

The immunity level of children is not so strong as compared to adults so they need to be safer. You can keep a small bottle of sanitizer in your child’s bag so that they use it before eating their tiffin and touching something else.  


So many people visit the mall on a single day. Anyone of them may have a cough or flu and if you touch that person accidentally or shake hands with him then you may get infected. If you buy something from any shop and the shopkeeper is not well then when he hands your parcel to you there are chances that you may get infected. 

So to be safe make use of sanitizer. Apply it before entering the shop and then touch the items that are present in the shop. If you are visiting the food court of a mall then clean your hands before eating something. When taking your child to play area at that time make their hands sanitized and take their proper care. 

Public Transportation:

If you are traveling in public transport then make sure that you take care of your hygiene. Sanitize your hands before going on the bus or touching the bus. Maintain distance with the passengers and avoid touching things present inside the bus.

 If you are a daily public transport traveler then you perfectly know how to tackle the problems of germs and bacteria but if you do not travel daily then you have to take more care. Many passengers come and go out of the bus at the same time, so take care of yourself by keeping a healthy hygiene habit of using sanitizers in public transport.   

If your hands are very dirty or greasy then hand sanitizer is not going to work there. For that, you need to clean your hand properly with soap and water and then wipe it with a clean cloth or towel.