Increase Work Productivity with OgyMogy Mobile Screen Recorder - Grab ur Deals
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Increase Work Productivity with OgyMogy Mobile Screen Recorder

Do you think that productivity is something that you can increase using the applications that are used for monitoring and tracking purposes? Do you believe that in the current time and the fast-paced time of the world, the tracking app is the way to get the most productivity out of the employees? Do you think these monitoring and tracking applications will create pressure on the employees to work better and the best while they are in the office or not? Do you think the monitoring applications which use mobile screen recorder are the way to get the most productivity out of the employees?

Well, the questions arise when we use online tracking applications to make the most out of employees and focus more on work productivity than anything else. In this current situation, when all the employees are working from home mostly all over the world, the productivity analysis and the Chariot of productivity has gone down the graph. So, the employers are trying to make the most out of this current time and produce most work while the employees are at home.

We will tell you how you can increase productivity by using the mobile screen recording feature of OgyMogy App. But before that, you need to know what TOS is. OgyMogy app is the application and software that is created for monitoring and mobile tracker purposes. You can use it to track your employees, or you can monitor the activities of your kids or even for your family, babysitters, or anyone you want to keep track of.

How to Increase Productivity Using The Mobile Screen Recorder?

The mobile screen recorder of OgyMogy app is one of the most significant features that you will find in this monitoring app. You can straight away use this screen recording feature to know if an employee is working or not.

Access a Camera

You can access the front or rear camera of the cell phone to see the surroundings. The surroundings will tell you if the employees are working or not. You can also determine if the employee is using a phone while working or being productive or wasting time. You can also check the location using the screen recording application of OgyMogy app. TOS also gives you access to monitor and track the voices and sounds as well. The live streaming option will allow you to access both the cameras and see what is happening in the surrounding. This is the perfect option to use if you think your employees are not working in the working hours and wasting their time.

Use The Feature of Social Media Monitoring

You can also use the feature of social media monitoring and keep an eye on your employees. This will tell you when the employee was last active on social media while they were on work. This will help you manage and track the activities of the employees and see if they are on work or not. Social media monitoring will also help you to know the activities of the employees.

Live 360 Streaming

This is another option that you can use with the help of the camera of the targeted device. The live streaming will help you to see the 360 views using the front and back camera to see the surroundings and the location of the target device and to see if the employees are working or not.

You Can Also Check The Live Location.

Location tracking is another aspect that you can use with the help of OgyMogy App. The live location tracker will tell you the current and the exact location of the targeted device and the user of the device. The employers use this live tracking option to see if the employees are at work or not in the office timings when they are supposed to be in their office.


With the simple OgyMogy application, you can do wonders for productivity and the other working aspects as well. You can track and monitor the productivity and the working efficiency of the employees using the mobile screen recorders and other features as well.