Why Choose Text SMS Mobile Marketing Services for the Growth of Your Business? - Grab ur Deals
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Why Choose Text SMS Mobile Marketing Services for the Growth of Your Business?

Using text SMS mobile marketing service will not only help your business to inform your target prospects about your promotional services but will also let them know more about your latest services. It will not only increase your business sales but will also help in growing more and achieving maximum profit in the competitive market. So, use text SMS mobile marketing service because it is a very cost-effective method to reach out to maximum mobile users with just a click.

The number of mobile phone users is increasing day by day and thus sending SMS has become one of the useful tools for marketing purposes. A big reason for this is that there is a ninety-nine percent surety that the message will be delivered in exact time unless and until there is no such issue like a network problem or the mobile of the user is turned off. For any type of business industry SMS, mobile marketing is very cost-effective and can be easily used for contacting customers. It is reliable and inexpensive and because of the popularity of mobile phones, it works for most people efficiently.

Blast SMS or Facebook Messenger or WhatsApp Bulk SMS are some of the effective mobile advertising platforms that can be used for engaging customers. Mobile users spend most of their time every day with their mobile phones. For example, WhatsApp these days has been a more popular and user-friendly digital mobile messaging platform. Though it has replaced the regular SMS system, there is a limitation of sending WhatsApp Bulk SMS. You can only send messages to 256 recipients using WhatsApp Bulk SMS but there is no limit in Blast SMS. Using Blast SMS, a single message can be sent to at least one lakh recipients in just a click.

Benefits you get when using SMS Mobile Marketing

Global Reach

It gives your business a global reach. This is an effective way of advertising than any other conventional form. With just a click the target market will be informed about your business offers.


Apart from having a worldwide market reach it has one more good thing and that it is very convenient to use. As it only requires either a mobile phone or a personal computer to use this service. Along with that, there are other more customization features that can be utilized in any business in this service.


Many businesses fail in their advertising activities because of not being able to sustain them. But with SMS mobile marketing there is sustainability whether you use WhatsApp Bulk SMS or text Blast SMS.

Differences between WhatsApp Bulk SMS and Text Blast SMS

Though there is a limitation of sending messages in WhatsApp when you get WATI access you can send WhatsApp Bulk SMS to your contact list using WATI as you can use the Broadcast module for sending messages. But if you use an unauthorized way for sending WhatsApp bulk SMS then you might get banned so always go for an authorized way for sending WhatsApp bulk SMS.

However, it is easy to send text blast SMS as there is no such requirement of Internet connection, there is not any limitation of sending messages as you can send the same message to millions of mobile users at a time with just one click. This will help any company to raise awareness about their business in the market, give information regarding their latest product and services to users through text blast SMS and thus this way gets more profit with an increase in their sales. This is the cheapest method and very cost-effective that any business organization whether large or small can use for sending blast SMS to their target customers.

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Advantages of Text Blast SMS Service –

  • Many promotional messages are directed precisely to the target customers who have opted for the service related to your business. These people expressed their interest to know more about your products and services, offers, contests, coupons, and other various schemes that you send them from time to time.
  • If you send any coupon or a code to your genuine customers, then they don’t lose it because it is automatically saved in their phone and can be seen anytime on screen.
  • Text messages are short and crisp promotional messages which are always to the point and thus make it easy to read them even for people who are busy with their schedules.
  • It has been proven that more than ninety-eight percent of messages are opened when sent through text blast SMS.


Keeping in mind writing these words to take care of your business. So, when comparing with other mobile marketing services, Text SMS is more efficient and cost-effective. Though you can use WhatsApp Bulk SMS Text Blast SMS will be more effective for the growth of your business.